Hypoglycemia is a condition in which the body’s blood sugar level is less than 70 mg/dL, often causing palpitations and fatigue, which can occur for many reasons. Hypoglycemia is more likely to occur in diabetics who use Sugar-lowering medicine or insulin injections.

As we know that people with diabetes There will be problems controlling the amount of blood sugar in the blood. This causes the need to inject insulin or take medicine that has the ability to reduce sugar. Therefore, there is a chance of low blood sugar. However, people who do not have diabetes can also suffer from this condition Especially those who eat less than usual or skip meals. Including those who exercise heavily. For this reason, ยูฟ่าเบท we bring knowledge about low sugar. And how to fix the basics for you.
Hypoglycemia can occur for many reasons. For people who already have diabetes It may be caused by eating less than usual or not on time. Exercising or exercising more than usual drink alcohol Limiting carbohydrate intake Using inappropriate diabetes medicine, both type, size, and time of taking including overdose of insulin
People who do not have diabetes may also develop this condition. Which is rarely found With reasons such as Suffering from severe liver disease. Using medicine to treat certain diseases incorrectly The body produces too much insulin. There is a deficiency of certain hormones. or drinking too much alcohol Including the body using more glucose from exercise or fasting.
People with low blood sugar experience excessive sweating. Weakness, shaky hands, trembling, blurred vision, numbness around the mouth or other parts of the body, dizziness or a headache. Feelings of worry, confusion, and restlessness Including having palpitations. Fast heartbeat and have high systolic blood pressure. So if you or someone close to you has the symptoms mentioned above Note that you may be in a state of low blood sugar. In some cases, it may be severe to the point of not being aware or having seizures. Therefore, we should know how to care for ourselves or those close to us when we have low blood sugar.
In the case of people who have low blood sugar from exercising a lot or fasting. The patient is still conscious. Not many symptoms If low blood sugar occurs near the time of the main meal Eat immediately. But if it happens during a meal You should eat snacks such as skim milk. 1 medium sized fruit or 2-3 crackers